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Category: spitballing


When I was 5 I took God as a given. I was taught that he was there, so there he was. Simple. When I was 10 I started having doubts about God. Can god create a rock that he himself cannot carry? I started noticing the paradox of an almighty,…


This week, we’re moving from Ann Arbor, MI to Cambridge, MA… Change can be terrifying, excruciating, limiting, consuming, exhausting, overwhelming and annoying. Change can be exciting, compelling, expanding, refreshing, energizing, inspiring and stunning. Change is movement. It is time. Change is life. It is the way of the universe. Change is growth. Change is death. Change…

Be Curious

BE CURIOUS. You can learn something new from every single person you talk to. When you talk to new people, search for that THING. Whether you find it or not, your search will spur interesting conversation and likely unveil some interesting facts – about them, their life and their world.…

All We Have Is Now

We don’t have the past. That one slipped away. We don’t have the future. That one’s yet to come. All we have is now. Now is present. Now should count.